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About this site

This site is one of my retirement projects. It's more for my sanity than for the money. Your donation does help take the financial burden of keeping this site up and running off my shoulders. It's much appreciated.

Retirement is a wonderful thing, but it isn’t without its challenges. We don't all do it well. At least not at the beginning.

Some of us could use a little inspiration. Maybe some advice and even a word or two of wisdom. You'll find it here.

The articles and information on this site are from my research and real life experiences. Dig around long enough and you'll find a nugget or two you can put to good use.  

No matter what your abilities or income level might be. There’s nothing stopping you from having a successful retirement.

If it's pure entertainment you're looking for, this site has a growing section of short story fiction and classic movies for you to enjoy.

About Me

Scott GeseMe a few years ago. 'Forever Young'

Why do I think I can relay any sort of wisdom to you? A fair question. Let me answer that.

I have forty-eight years of work experience behind me. I've worked in warehouses, factories and office situations with people from all walks of life. I've been in positions of being responsible for groups of employees.

Over the years I've had the opportunity to study and learn how and why people think and act the way they do. I've been able to take what I know and use it in real life situations.

I retired from my formal working career in 2016. Since that time I've been engaged in developing and gathering a growing base of retirement experience.

About my writing

I've been writing for a good portion of my life. I began to take it seriously about twenty years ago. Over the years I've written articles for magazines and newspapers both hard copies and online. I've also owned and operated a successful authors website. 

I currently have two novels in publication. I also write short stories in multiple genres. I have several books of short stories in publication as well.  

One thing this site is not about is financial planning. If you're already retired you should have taken care of those details years ago. If not, find yourself a qualified financial planner. You probably need one.

Why do I write?

The reasons for those who write are as diverse as the craft itself. 

Bill Hart imageBill Hart at the Typewriter / Wikimedia Commons

Mankind has been writing in one form or another ever since the first cave drawing came into existence. Maybe even before that. So what is it that has drawn people to express themselves in this way?

There is a quote that comes to mind. I don’t recall who penned it first but it went something like this…

“Some men write because they got to say something. Others write because they got something to say.”

I think that sums it up fairly well.

Be it a cave wall or a computer screen. It’s a form of expression that I hope others can and will relate to.

It doesn’t matter if I type 120 words per minute or hen peck the keys like Bill Hart in the above photo. Getting my words out for others to read is the ultimate goal. If my writing resonates  with hundreds, that's great. If it resonates with thousands all the better.

This website is my retirement project. A repository for my writing. I expect it to grow and change over time. For now it's home to a growing number of my articles and short stories. I hope you take the time to read a few of these articles and enjoy the stories I tell.

I've decided not to post ads on this site. So if you do enjoy this site I'd appreciate it if you could show your support by 'Buying Me a Coffee'. It will help offset my out of pocket cost of the $329 per year hosting fee. Just click on the button below. I'd appreciate it.


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Our Top Five Most Read Articles/Short Stories for the Month of January 
(and Five From the File)

Newest Article

Timberline Ski Lodge
by Scott A. Gese

timberline lodgeZach Lenziewicz/Unsplash

A Bright and Shining Light on the South Slope of Oregon's Mount Hood and a winter playground for snow enthusiasts. <Read The Full Article Here>

Newest Short Story

Deja Vu
        By Scott A. Gese

deja vuLesly Juarez/Unsplash

It started innocently enough. One of those weird feelings of having already experienced the present moment. You know, Deja Vu.<Read the full story HERE> 

Newest Movie

The Stranger

the stranger

1946 Film-Noir

The Stranger is a cat and mouse game between Wilson (Edward G. Robinson), a member of the Allied War Crimes Commission and Franz Kindler (Orson Welles), a Nazi who has assumed the false identity of Dr. Charles Rankin.

<Watch The Full Movie Here>