Change Your Life: The Power of Focused Mental Rehearsal
By Scott Gese

How does the power of Focused Mental Rehearsal help you change your life?

If you want to change your current circumstances and effectively change your life, you have to start with your internal environment. You have to change your thoughts. You need to start thinking differently.

The Power of focused...Natalia Figueredo/unsplash

If you just change your outside. Your external environment. That’s nothing more than a distraction. It won’t change your way of thinking.

For example, going on a shopping spree and buying new clothes or a new car when you’re depressed about financial matters might make you feel better at the moment, but it’s a short term solution. It won’t change your way of thinking or your situation for the long term.

You would have been better off spending your time and money on finding a way to change your internal environment. By that I mean your mind. For a long term solution you need to change your way of thinking.

If you want to move beyond your current circumstances and create a new future, you need to think new and different thoughts.

You need to move out of and beyond those routine thoughts that are holding you to your current reality. You need to start thinking new thoughts and creating new habits.

A repeated thought process such as Focused Mental Rehearsal can help. This is a process which will help you create new habits and behaviors.

Your subconscious mind is amazing. No doubt about it. There is one potential drawback. It doesn’t know the difference between a thought and current reality.

You can use this to your advantage. You can trick your subconscious mind by using the power of conscious thought through focused concentration. This will move your subconscious mind into action creating the experience you’re concentrating on. Your subconscious mind believes it’s happening at the very moment you’re thinking about it.

Continue this process and your brain will create new synaptic connections thereby creating new habits and behaviors. Here’s how it works.

Focused Mental Rehearsal 

If you sit quietly. Close your eyes and relax. Mentally visualize what it is you want to have happen. Be as detailed as possible and hold onto an elevated emotion as you visualize. You need to believe you are in the situation you are concentrating on. When you do this, the circuits in your brain will begin to reorganize themselves. Your brain will begin to change.

Focused and sustained thoughts with an elevated emotion will change and even grow new synaptic connections within your brain. Your subconscious mind believes these emotionally focused thoughts are a current experience and it will create the experience you are projecting. Do this enough times and this new experience will become embedded within your brains neural network as a memory. This will create your current reality (as far as your subconscious is concerned) even though it hasn’t happened yet.

By correctly using this method over a period of time, you can choose your future reality.

Thought becomes the experience.

Many high performance athletes practice a single minded, focused thought process such as Focused Mental Rehearsal. You can use this method to make positive and lasting changes to our external environment.

In essence, you can create the changes you want in your life.

Do this daily:

Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.

Sit in a comfortable position and relax.

Close your eyes and focus your attention on what it is you want to change or achieve.

Think of this change from a first person perspective. In other words, you’re not watching yourself doing, you are the doer.

Involve as many of your senses as possible. Including your emotions.

Focus on every detail.

If your mind begins to wander, refocus and continue on. You might even consider starting over from the beginning.

Continue doing this each day and soon you will be able to get through the whole process without losing focus.

Finally, gratitude is important so when you finish your session be grateful for the experience.

Do this correctly and often and Focused Mental Rehearsal will indeed change your life.

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