If You Change Your Way of Thinking, It Will Change Your Way of Life
By Scott Gese

My new perspective of the way things are has set me free to be who I really am. and set me up for a Successful Retirement

When I was a kid, I did the typical kid stuff. I went to school, played with my friends, watched television and read books and magazines.

Change your way of thinkingPixabay

In school I learned to fall in line and be an obedient student.

I learned what I was given to learn and didn’t ask questions. When I deviated from the curriculum I was punished with bad grades. When I deviated from the rules, I got the paddle. (Back when the paddle was an acceptable form of obedience training.)

Commercial television was still broadcasting in black and white. Twenty minutes of entertainment and ten minutes of someone telling me what to do, what to buy and how I should feel about myself. I didn’t have to think. The television did it for me. They knew what was best for me. Wide eyed and gullible I took it all in.

Magazines did the same thing but they had big glossy pictures. Advertisers were turning copywriting into a fine art. Using psychology to get me to want the latest and greatest in consumer goods.

By the time I was sixteen I was fully indoctrinated into this consumer/slave society we live in.

I was now a company man. A worker bee earning money after school as a restaurant dishwasher. I spent every penny I made on whatever my money could buy. I was an avid consumer.

When I turned eighteen I graduated with a fine diploma which proved I had earned the right to work long hours for someone else and was worthy of the meager wage I would get in return.

Forty-some years later

I put in my time taking orders and working for a wage. I’m retired now. I’m older and wiser. These days I tend to see things through a different lens. I’ve gotten pretty good at seeing past the smoke and mirrors. Past the fear laden bad news bullshit the media flings my way twenty-four hours a day. Past big pharma, and the medical profession who shares a bed with them. Past advertisers who hand out their opinions of what I should do, what I should wear and who I should be. They hand it out like candy to children on Halloween.

Do I have a much better grip on my reality or have I grown delusional?

There are those who think my ideas about the way I now view life as a rats nest of unsubstantiated beliefs and conspiracy theories.

I appreciate their opinion, but I don’t agree. I’ve taken the red pill. My eyes have been opened. The blinders have been removed. I’ve broken the chains of ignorance that once bound me.

I’ve changed the way I look at life. I now see each day from a new perspective. I’m calmer and much more grateful for the things I have. I try to live each day as it comes, keeping to the present moment. I’m happier for it.

Try glimpsing the world beyond your blinders.

Those who don’t understand me are caught up in a system that keeps them bound and blinded to reality.

Stop watching network television, do your own research on natural healing and buy the things you need, not the products advertisers say you can’t live without. Get outside and get some dirt under your fingernails. Enjoy some fresh air. Love life.

This is a time in history like no other. Many have awakened to the understanding of how, as a society, we are being manipulated. Many more will follow.

I encourage you to be one of them.

© Copyright 2023 by Scott A. Gese All Rights Reserved.

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