Redefining Success for a More Fulfilling Retirement
By Scott A. Gese

In a marathon, each person is focused on what they need to do in order to finish successfully. They are each running their own race. Redefining success for a more fulfilling retirement requires each of us to determine our own definition of success.

Redefining SuccessScapin/Pixabay

There is no single definition of success including a successful retirement. It varies for each one of us. For some, a successful retirement could be defined as having a lot of money. For others it could be having a busy social life. And still others may see success as owning a business in retirement for the fun and social contacts it may provide. Even these criteria will vary from person to person. And so will how we each define our situation. How much is a lot of money? What is considered a busy social life? How busy do you really want to be?

Individual beliefs and personal expectations play a crucial role in defining success. For example, there are people who have made multiple millions of dollars, run extremely successful businesses or enjoy the social life of a rock star. You might believe these people are successful but they may not believe they’re successful at all.

It's important to determine your own definition of success and stay focused on it.

The beliefs of others concerning what success might be is going to be different than yours. Their beliefs are the ones that count for them, not you.

How successful are you? Redefining success for a more fulfilling retirement.

If you’re working toward becoming successful at something, don’t compare your degree of success against someone else’s degree of success. It's not a reliable way to determine where you are on the success ladder. Every individual is different, with a unique set of situations, circumstances and worldviews.

You can’t make a reliable comparison between you and someone else. You have to determine your own success according to your own beliefs. Not someone else’s. You need to run your own race.

Take a closer look at your life, your attitudes, your experiences, expectations and beliefs. Stay focused on your definition of success. When you reflect upon those things that you believe will make you personally successful, then you will have your true definition. Your personal definition.

It’s the only one that counts and it’s the one you need to stay focused on. When you stay focused on your definition of success and not how others define it, you’ll find it much easier to achieve your goals.

If you haven't determined your own definition of success, you should try setting some success goals. Start by writing down what you feel would make you a success. You may already know what that is in your head, but seeing it in writing will give you more clarity.

What does success look like to you?

Is it a certain amount of money? How much?

Would it be a monthly, yearly or a lifetime amount?

Is it a certain amount of social notoriety?

Do you need to have people like you personally?

Do you need a certain amount of people visiting your blog or website each day, week, month?

Is your definition of success determined by the size of your business?

How many employees would you like to have?

How much inventory do you want to turn over each day, week, month?

These are just a few general goals to get you thinking. I’m sure you can come up with more specific ideas to fit your own situation. Once you have a better idea of what will determine your success, you’ll find it easier to achieve those goals.

In conclusion, success is unique to you.

Only you can decide if you’re successful or not. What other people tell you or what they do to achieve their success should never determine yours. If it does, you’re not focusing on your beliefs or your definition. If you’re not focusing on your own path, you’re focusing on someone else’s. Run your own race. Keep a clear focus on your path, not others. Don’t try to define what success is to others and don’t let others define what success is to you.

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