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Short Story Fiction
No Heavy Lifting
Scott A. Gese

His anti-gravity discovery would change the world. Certain people didn’t want to see that happen. They made sure it didn’t.

no heavy liftingstocksnap/Pixabay

Travis Calhoun was a Texas millionaire several times over. His money wasn’t given to him by some dead relative. He came about his money the old fashioned way. He earned it.

Not by the sweat of his brow. Travis wasn’t a blue collar laborer. That would have never earned him the type of wealth he now enjoyed. No, he earned it by being smarter than the average person.

Travis had brains. He could figure out how to improve on those everyday items that begged to be improved upon. Once he latched onto an idea, he would disappear into his shop until the idea became a reality.

Travis’s current project was a little out of the ordinary. He was working on a device he believed once existed, but the technology had mysteriously disappeared over a thousand years ago. It was a device that would levitate heavy objects.

In spite of what he had learned in history books, about such things as Mayan temples and Egyptian pyramids, Travis knew they weren’t built by thousands of primitive people using cheap rope to drag, lift and set huge chunks of solid stone that weighed several tons. It just didn’t make sense.

Travis felt there was more to the story than what he was led to believe. The authors of those books either didn’t know or were unwilling to reveal the truth. He believed there was some sort of levitation involved. There had to be.

Travis had heard the story of the Coral Castle in Florida. Built in 1920. It’s rumored to be a modern day example of the same sound wave technology the Egyptians must have used, but on a much smaller scale.

When he first heard the story of the Coral Castle, he knew he had to see it for himself. He flew to Florida to get a first hand look. Once there, he immediately became obsessed with figuring out what its builder, Edward Leedskalnin, knew and how he did it. If the ancient technology was out there for Edward to discover, he would discover it as well.

Travis spent a full year doing extensive research, following leads and searching through old manuscripts and ancient texts from several different countries. He worked on the project day and night.

A huge limestone boulder was moved into one end of his shop. Travis developed several hand held prototypes, but nothing he tried would cause the boulder to defy the laws of gravity.

Undeterred, he kept at it. He knew the answer was there and he was determined to find it.

Then it happened. On a bright Summer morning, after more than a dozen failed attempts, he tried out his latest device on the rock. To his amazement, it actually worked. His hand held device easily lifted the two ton boulder a foot off the ground and moved it to the other side of the shop, then gently set it down.

He had finally done it. He had figured out how to levitate large heavy objects with ease.

He phoned a close friend to tell him of his achievement. He emailed another. Travis thought they might be interested in investing in his new project. They were both excited to hear of this technology and wanted to see the device first hand.

Travis set up a meeting for the following Monday. That gave him three days to fine tune his device and get his notes in order.

Over the weekend, as he was putting the finishing touches on his proposal, there was a knock at his door. Two men had come to pay Travis a visit. They were from the N.S.A.

They somehow knew what Travis was working on and through their undisclosed sources had heard about his breakthrough. They offered to pay him for the technology. Said it was a matter of National Security and the device needed to be kept under wraps and out of the hands of this countries enemies. What they offered for the technology wasn’t nearly enough and he turned them down.

Travis didn’t realize the offer was non-negotiable.

That Monday, when his friends stopped by, they found the body of Travis Calhoun. He had died over the weekend from an apparent heart attack. His friends didn’t realize it, but the office and workshop had been stripped clean of any evidence of Travis’s discovery. All that remained was the limestone boulder.

© Copyright 2021 by Scott A. Gese All Rights Reserved.

His anti-gravity discovery would change the world. Certain people didn’t want to see that happen. They made sure it didn’t. <Read the full story HERE> 

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