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These six personality traits that will help you succeed in retirement and in life. Plus one that will cause you to fail.
There are a thousand and one definitions of success and as many different ways to become successful.
Everyone uses their own set of factors in determining their unique definition. They encompass a wide range of views, attitudes and beliefs.
Even so, a few of these factors are in every definition of success.
First, the one that will cause you to fail: I'll be blunt.
Get your head out of your ass.
Does your definition of success have to do with money, relationships or simply getting through the crazy life you live? However you define success, trying to achieve it without paying close attention to what you’re doing will doom you to failure.
If you try to achieve success with your head up your ass, it won’t be the roses you’ll be smelling along the way.
You’ll have no idea where the hell you are. If you go anywhere at all, it will most likely be in circles.
That being said, the following six personality traits will keep that from happening. Be sure you have them. If you don’t, get them.
You gotta’ have a positive mental attitude with a good dose of faith and belief.
Faith and belief are interchangeable. You can use them with either a positive or negative mental attitude. Staying positive will take you to the good place. Negativity will not.
How do you see the world?
Do you think you can have a successful retirement if you see the world as a dark and fearful place? If you do, you’re in trouble.
You need to change this around and find a reason to have a positive outlook. You need to have faith that this world does have many good points. Find them, focus on them, place your energy in this space.
To thrive in this world and in your retirement years you need to believe and focus on those good points. You need to believe this world and your retirement years will be full of opportunity.
Your outlook depends on where you get the information that forms your world view.
The network news and other sources work hard at skewing your point of view toward the dark and negative. Don’t let this happen. It will suck the life out of your vision of a successful retirement. Find better sources.
Your retirement depends on you being able to handle living in this world as it is today.
Do you feel like your place in this world has passed you by? Is the world today too complicated for you to cope with it? Does it stress you out? Do you feel you would have been better suited for simpler times? Maybe your parents or grandparents generation? Would that have been a better fit for you? If you think this way, you’re living in the past. There’s no success for you there.
You are here in this world now. Live with it. Love it. Embrace it. Believe you were put here on this earth at this time and in this place for a reason. Don’t squander away your time here wishing you were already dead and gone years ago.
Make the most of the time you’ve been given now. Learn to create the life and the retirement you want here and now. This is your moment to shine. You were born for a time such as this.
Do you love who you are?
Seriously. This is an important question. If you have a negative self image. If you’re depressed. If you don’t feel worthy or don’t believe in yourself, how do you expect to achieve anything worthwhile in this life? How do you expect to have a successful retirement?
Whether you realize it or not, you choose your own reality.
You do this through the everyday choices you make. Your choices direct you down a certain path in life. No matter what your past or present situation, you are the one who chose this path. You also choose how you feel about it and how you deal with it.
Don’t take this lightly. Negative self worth a serious problem. Please get help if you need it. You are a special person. There is no other one like you. Learn to believe in yourself. Love who you are. Love yourself.
You will stand a better chance of succeeding at whatever you put your mind to, including your retirement if you love who you are.
You need a good work ethic to succeed.
Couch potatoes pay little attention to anything more snack foods and what’s at the far end of the TV remote. Knowing how to successfully change the channels from a football game to a reality TV show doesn’t count for much. It’s a wasted life and a wasted retirement.
You need to be willing to get out there and get some dirt under your fingernails or paint in your hair. Working toward achieving your retirement goals is how you get closer to what you’re after. It’s also a much healthier lifestyle. When you do reach your goal, you’ll be in a much better position mentally and physically to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Know your stuff
Working hard plays right into this. If you want to be successful at something, put your brain to work and learn what you need to know.
Unless you have the ability to sit on a book and absorb it’s knowledge through your ass, you’re stuck doing it the old fashioned way.
Buckle down, get on your computer, read books, get a mentor, do the work and learn your craft. Whether it’s writing, designing or basket weaving, knowing how to do what you love will get you much better results in the end. Having first hand knowledge of your skill is extremely important to your success. Learn skills that will compliment your retirement.
Stress factor
Stress is another one of those game changers. Stress keeps you from thinking clearly. It causes you to revert back to your caveman brain. It puts fear and doubt into your head and causes you to second guess yourself and all you do. It causes you to choke on those tough decisions and holds you back when you should be moving forward.
Exercise, eat healthy, get plenty of rest, live a clean and healthy lifestyle. Do these things and stress will keep its distance. If it does find a way to creep into your life, you’ll be better equipped to recognize it quickly and handle it with ease.
Get rid of the stress in your life and you’ll be able to smell the roses along the way to your eventual success. Whatever that might be for you.
Those who go through life ruled by fear and doubt will never achieve their full potential.
These are the big six as I see it.
A successful life and retirement can be yours. Believe it.
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